
Cloud-Store & Asset software is for managing consumable material and fixed asset material/equipment. As per requisition store keeper issue material. It has procurement to fixed asset tracking number management. It will manage equipment maintenance schedule, maintenance spare parts & costing etc. The system manages fixed asset depreciation calculation and evaluates current asset value. The system is integrated with HRMS and Accounts. Based on demand the supply-chain record system will generate a reorder product list beside minimum stock alert/notification.

Module Components

  • Store Management
    • Purchase Order
    • Purchase Receive
    • Store Requisition
    • Issue
    • Item In/Out Ledger
  • Asset Management
    • Asset recording and Tagging
    • Asset Assign
    • Asset depreciation
    • Total Assets
  • Asset Service/Maintenance Management
    • Service Request list
    • Service Assignment
    • Asset status and downtime monitoring
    • Maintenance Management
    • Spare Parts Inventory
    • Spare parts Requisition and Issue
    • Item In/Out Ledger
  • MIS Reports (Business Intelligence)
    • Item consumption analytic reports
    • Asset value analysis considering depreciation
    • Asset status monitoring
    • General Store consumption analysis report
    • Spare parts consumption analysis report
    • Asset wise maintenance costing analysis report

Key features:

  • Manage consume able material inventory
  • Manage spare parts inventory management
  • Get dynamic report for prediction supply-chain demand based on historic data
  • Manage fixed asset with asset tracking number
  • Manage fixed asset depreciation and current asset value
  • Manage asset maintenance with warranty support information
  • Asset service request and maintenance
  • Maintenance & spare parts utilization reporting
  • Dashboard for top management
  • Mobile, Tab, PC based operation
  • Simplicity: easy navigation & operation
  • Interactive business analysis report generation in 360 degree report view (BI tools)
  • Data are backup in 3 location in cloud environment for protect business information from digester in fire, stolen, robbery, etc.

Store & Asset Management Process Flow

  • Generate Asset or consumable item purchase order
  • Generate purchase receiving report & make stock in
  • According to asset type, generate asset tag and record its detail information including depreciation rate
  • Get the number of total assets and its current values considering depreciation
  • Consume able item requisition by staff and generate printable slip
  • Requisition approval by admin/supervisor
  • Store keeper issues item and manage store ledger
  • Asset/equipment item user will submit service request for disfunction or system down
  • Asset maintenance manager will assign engineer to resolve the equipment issues and report to supervisor
  • Service engineer will get notification via email or SMS so that assigned person can take instant action
  • After investigation, engineer will record issues of the equipment
  • Engineer can submit for spare parts requisition for the particular equipment
  • After utilization of spare parts engineer will return remaining parts and records data for the particular service/maintenance
  • Supervisor will get all asset service and maintenance history with its utilization of spare parts
  • All details about product In/Out & Product in Stock
  • Top management can be able to generate 360 degree view of item consumption so that business decision optimized
  • Based on consumption or item utilization supply-chain manager will re-order item based on stock and item delivery time frame so that requirement can be fulfill on right time and smooth business operation beside save costing for the company
  • Inbuilt Dashboard and Interactive Reports enable top management always up to date