Cloud-Academy ERP

Cloud Academy ERP system is for managing school, college, and university students information, financial information, academic records, results, class routine etc. The Guardian and student can get results, homework, and attendance from home. System has an online payment mechanism. The ERP has integrated Accounts, Payroll, HRMS, Store & Assets, Library Management, Online Journal Submission System

ERP Modules

Modules Components

  • Admission Panel
    1. Admission Form List
    2. Student Information
    3. Student Admission
    4. Student List print
    5. Student Promotion
    6. Promoted Student Info
    7. Course/ Subject Enrolment and Billing
  • Admin Dashboard
    1. Notice Board
    2. Meeting Minutes
    3. Certificate Management
  • Teacher Dashboard
    1. Weekly Class Routine
    2. Exam Schedule
    3. Mark Entry
    4. Subject Wise Exam Result
    5. Term Wise Exam Result
    6. Result Card / Mark Sheet
    7. Student Progress Report
  • Schedule Calendar
    1. Schedule Create
    2. Weekly Class Routine
    3. Holiday Calendar List
    4. Exam Schedule Calendar
    5. Teacher Schedule Calendar
    6. Holiday Calendar
    7. Notice & Timeline Entry
    8. Schedule / Notice
      • Term Exam Schedule
      • Exam Mark Entry
      • Student Exam Result
      • Mark Sheet
      • Term Wise Exam Result & Merit List
    9. Exam Schedule
  • Student Attendance (Fingerprint/Card)
    1. Student Attendance Entry
    2. Attendance Panel
    3. Studennt Attendance Report
  • Student Bill & Collection
    1. Bill Receipt
    2. Bill Process
    3. Bill Collection (Cash & Online)
    4. Payment Reports
    5. Student Wise Collection Report (Print)
    6. Student Wise Collection Report
    7. Day Wise Payment Collection
    8. Student Bill & Collection Report
    9. Class Wise Bill & Collection Report
    10. Date Wise Payment Collection
  • Academic Settings
    1. Teacher Category
    2. Teacher Information
    3. Session / Branch
    4. Question Bank Report
    5. Class Wise Bill Setting
    6. Class Session
    7. Admission Question Report
    8. Class Session Term
    9. Exam Term
    10. Assign Student for test
    11. Class / Semester
    12. Class Session Subject
  • Org Settings
    1. Security Setting
      • User List
      • Group List
      • User-Group
      • User-Module Access
      • User-Branch Access
      • Group-menu Access
    2. Organization Info
    3. Branch
    4. Org Info Setting
    5. Employee Information
    6. Office Date
    7. Password

    Key features:

    • Fingerprint Attendance for teachers & students
    • Auto Notification to student and guardian
    • Online registration for admission
    • Online student portal (Student & guardian Access)
    • Payment schedule installment wise
    • Guardian can communicate with teacher and exchange message
    • Dashboard for top management
    • Email & SMS notification for accounts and invoice transaction
    • Mobile, Tab, PC based operation
    • Simplicity: easy navigation & operation
    • Interactive business analysis report generation in 360 degree report view (BI tools)
    • Summary business report snapshot emailing; like trial balance, Day book, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet
    • Data is backed up in 3 locations in the cloud environment to protect business information from digesters in fire, stolen, robbery, etc.

    Business Process Flow:

    • Academy system starts with an admission notice on the website. Students will submit an online admission form.
    • Students can pay online payment using bkash or credit card.
    • Admission test date, result and admission related SMS notification will be sent to student and guardian mobile number via software.
    • After Admission test passes, Admission officer finalizes the admission and creates a bill for the student. This bill notification will got to guardian mobile number or send email
    • When a bill collected by account a SMS notification also goes to guardian mobile no. Students can also pay by online using mobile banking or credit card.
    • Each student’s billing and payment history will be stored in the system and his/her account statement will be produced like a bank statement.
    • From the student portal, students and guardians can get all finance related reports.
    • Integrated accounts will keep all billing and collection reports according to class and students.
    • Class wise student bill amount, collection amount, due amount projection report that will give a perfect finance decision for the academy.
    • System will create a class routine easily avoiding duplicate class as well as teacher’s duplicate assignment.
    • Students as well as teachers will get a class routine in their dashboard.
    • Teacher and student’s attendance will be stored to the system via card or fingerprint machine. And auto generated report goes to management at a scheduled time.
    • The System will also send SMS notifications if a student does not come to academy on time.
    • The Teacher can make a lesson plan and submit to the class dashboard and the student will get it from the student version from home.
    • The Guardian can monitor a student's academic status from home. It will bring a good impact for the academy.
    • The Teacher or system can assign a quiz question set and the student will participate in that quiz from home. Its marks will be evaluated by the class teacher.
    • The System helps to produce exam schedules by drag drop easy steps. This schedule can be shown in the student portal for easy access by student and guardian.
    • System will produce an auto result card, certificate, testimonial and deliver to the student keeping a proper record for future reference.
    • The System will have scope to submit complaint and disciplinary action management. And this record will be stored for a long time so that a student’s character can be identified based on record.
    • As per schedule exam attendance will be taken and a blank marksheet will be prepared for the teacher to enter marks.
    • Teachers can also enter marks corresponding directly to web based software at home using secured password. When all teachers enter subject wise marks, software will auto calculate merit list and marks sheet. It will also publish to the student portal.
    • Academy ERP's other modules like Library, HRMS, Accounts, Payroll, Store & Assets will work integratedly so all business and service operations can be managed smoothly.