CRM/Merchandising is a web based integrated software that manage customer relationship management such as keep customers contact details up to date, customer records, customer communications schedule management
Module Components
- Communication
- Communication Calender
- Schedule Calender
- CRM Report Interactive
- Quotation
- Quotation Info
- Estimation Info
- Estimation report 360-degree
- Work Order
- Work Order Info
- Progress timeline 360
- Progress timeline dashboard
- Inspection (EQC)-admin
- Inspection (EQC)-Emp.
- LC Shipment
- LC Shipment Info
- Shipment Info
Click for Demo
User ID:
Password: demo
Key features:
- Profile customer easily
- Manage date of different Clients and easy to use
- Collect data fast and get a real time data
- Assign sales and marketing
- Make accurate sales forecast
- Increase sale opportunities
- Dashboard for top management
- Email & SMS notification
- Mobile, Tab, PC based operation
- Simplicity: easy navigation & operation
- Interactive business analysis report generation in 360 degree report view
- Data are backup in 3 location in cloud environment for protect business information from digester in fire, stolen, robbery, etc.