TradePlus ERP

TradePlus-ERP is Web based integrated software that manages Accounts, Manufacturing & Production, Sales, Purchase, Inventory, CRM, online Order Collection, Integrated eCommerce.
Our software is a monthly payment basis SAAS (Software as a Service) product using Oracle Apex and hosted in Cloud Environment. It has 3 geo location data backup and world class security management

Modules Components

  • Accounts
    1. Voucher entry (Dual, Multi, Floating)
    2. Batch account entry as per recursive settings
    3. Voucher List (Dual, Multi, Pending)
    4. Pending Voucher Execution
    5. Invoice wise Bill collection
    6. Unlimited level chart of accounts
    7. Client & Supplier wise ledger (Details, Summary)
    8. Ledger Report with Product
    9. Group Wise Balance
    10. Cash Flow & Day Book Report
    11. PDC (Post Dated Cheque) Management
    12. Voucher/Cheque Print
    13. Recursive setting wise auto voucher entry
    14. Project/Branch wise costing and income
    15. Profit & Loss Report (N, Project, Batch Wise)
    16. Income/Expense Statement Report
    17. Trial Balance
    18. Balance Sheet
    19. Account 360 degree BI Reports
    20. Customer & Supplier Outstanding (Due)
    21. Voucher Document Upload
    22. Budget
    23. Fund Requisition
    24. BOE-Bill of Entry
    25. Price Declaration 4.3
    26. Vat Report 6.1, 6.2, 6.2.1, 6.3
    27. Vat Report (Invoice Wise, Day Wise)
  • Sales Invoice & Billing
    1. Sales invoice by sales person
    2. Multi Sales Invoice
    3. Sale Order Management
    4. Sales Target & Achievement
    5. Salesperson performance
    6. Sales Commission
    7. Charge Report of Sales/Purchase
    8. Sales Top Sheet
    9. Product Sales Summary & Sales Summary
    10. Branch Wise Sales Summary
    11. Perodic Bill Master List & Perodic Bill Invoice Process
    12. Client auto billing account map
    13. Auto Stock Manage (decrease)
    14. Sales 360-degree report according to area, product, sales person
    15. Sales target
    16. Warranty Product Search
    17. Service Request Status Management
    18. Service Billing & Collection
    19. Warranty & Agreement
  • Production, Manufacturing & Assembling
    1. Batch wise assemble or manufacturing/Production
    2. Raw material & Finished Goods Inventory
    3. Warehouse/branch wise transfer and stock management
  • Warehouse/Shelf/Bin Management
    1. Bin wise stock in and out management
    2. Production batch wise stock in and out
    3. Product Transfer
  • Purchase/Procurement & Supply-Chain Management
    1. Purchase Invoice
    2. Demand Requisition Management
    3. Purchase Order Management
    4. Purchase Order and Stock Receive Management
    5. Material Received and Payable Bill generation
    6. Party payment schedule management
    7. Barcode wise product stock
    8. Auto Stock Manage (increase)
    9. Purchase Summary
    10. Return POS to Production
    11. Branch wise product transfer
    12. Item wise Purchase
    13. Purchase wise Profit & Loss report
    14. Stock adjustment/Opening stock
    15. Damage Product Management
  • Inventory
    1. Branch Wise Inventory
    2. Branch Wise Stock Ledger
    3. Branch Wise Product Stock
    4. Branch Transfer Requisition
    5. Branch Transfer Execution
    6. Branch Wise Current Stock
    7. Branch & Product-Inventory
    8. Inventory with Production
    9. Branch wise Stock Alert
    10. Product Wise Stock
    11. Product Demand List
    12. Promotional Offer
    13. BIN/Shelf wise Stock info
    14. Audit Stock
    15. Stock Interactive & BIN Info
  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
    1. Client communication records
    2. Day wise schedule Calendar
    3. Quotation management
    4. Customer Order Process management
    5. Sales target and achievement monitoring
    6. 360-degree CRM Report
  • MIS Report
    1. Accounts Summary
    2. Supplier Outstanding
    3. Client Outstanding
    4. Employee Outstanding
    5. Client Wise Collections
    6. Chart Reporting
    7. Accounts 360 Degree View
    8. Installment Details Report
    9. Sales at a Glance
    10. Sales Commission
    11. Top N Analytics
    12. Sales Collections 360 Degree View
    13. Sales Performance
    14. Sales/Free Summary Report
    15. Purchase 360 Degree View
    16. Branch Deposit & Withdraw
  • E-Commerce (
    1. Product showcase engine in website
    2. Online Order by client
    3. Online Payment by client
    4. common marketplace for showcase products to online order 24 hour basis

Key Features:

  • GST/VAT management as per Govt. rules
  • Project or Branch wise accounts
  • Integrated with other ERP modules
  • e-Commerce integration
  • Distribution/Dealer Management
  • Online Order Collection (Client Online Access)
  • Manage sales representative and their performance
  • Dashboard for top management
  • Multi-User Sign-In
  • Email & SMS notification for accounts and invoice transaction
  • Mobile, Tab, PC based operation
  • Simplicity: easy navigation & operation
  • Interactive business analysis report generation in 360 degree report view (BI tools)
  • Summary business report snapshot emailing; like trial balance, Day book, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet
  • Data is backed up in 3 locations in a cloud environment to protect business information from digesters in fire, stolen, robbery, etc.

Types of business managed by TradePlus-ERP

Trading Business Solutions

Trading Business is for managing product purchase from suppliers and sale to customers with higher price than purchase with the objective of making profit.

  • Purchase Management
  • Sales Management
  • Accounts Management
  • GST/VAT management as per Govt. rules
  • Customer Relationship management (CRM)
  • Online Order Management
  • Online Product Showcase in
  • Branch wise costing and income
  • Online Order & Payment By Customers
  • One Click billing as per order
  • Customer online access for order and Ledger
  • Manage sales representative and their performance
  • Collection and SMS Notification
  • MIS Report for Management Decision
  • Multi-User Sign-in & access control
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  • Trading Business Solutions Features with Pictures
  • ISP/Dish Business Management

    Internet/Dish-Line Business is pre-defined periodic billing and collection. Each month customers will be billed automatic. Accounts will be adjusted when customers pay the bill amount.

    • Customer Profile & Document Management
    • Customer communication records (CRM)
    • Location, Category wise bill settings
    • One Click billing invoice as per predefined settings
    • Customer login for bill & payment view
    • Collection and SMS Notification
    • Full Accounts Management
    • MIS Report for management decision
    • Online publicity in
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    Showroom Management System

    Showroom Management Software is for managing billing, stock, purchase and integrated accounts. It is integrated with an eCommerce website where clients can give online order and online payments.

    • Order and Sales management
    • Inventory Management
    • Warehouse/Shelf/Bin Management
    • Stock Ledger
    • Sales invoice by sales person
    • Client Auto billing account Map
    • Salesperson Performance
    • Auto Stock Manage (Increase & Decrease)
    • Product Showcase Engine in Self Website
    • Online Order by Client
    • Online Payment by Client
    • common marketplace for showcase products to online order 24 hour basis
    • Collection and SMS Notification
    • Full Accountings information
    • MIS Report for management like (Client Due, Supplier Due, Employee Due etc.)

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    Distribution/Dealer Management

    Distribution Management System is for managing dealer order, sales, payment collection. online access for accounts ledger. Credit limit wise sales restriction.

    • Purchase/Supply Chain Management
    • Manufacturing & Production
    • Warehouse/Shelf/Bin Management
    • Branch Management System
    • Branch Wise Cost & Profit management
    • Branch wise Stock Inventory
    • Customer Communication & Marketing Management
    • Project Wise Cost Management
    • Client Information
    • Supplier Information
    • MIS Reporting for Management Decision like (Supplier, Client Employee Outstanding)
    • Product Showcase in online platform like
    • Collection and SMS Notification
    • Full Accounting informations
    • Branch Transfer Requisition
    • Branch Transfer Execution

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  • Distrubitions Management Features with Pictures
  • NGO/Microfinance Management

    Microfinance Management solution is for NGO to manage deposit accounts, loan accounts. Payment schedules and installment collection. System auto calculate Customer due. System can manage multi-branch in single umbrella

    • Member Informations & Document Management
    • Loan Management
    • Installment Management
    • Project Wise Loan Management
    • Branch wise income/expense and profit loss management
    • Member Communication Records
    • Member Ledger
    • MIS Reporting for Management Decision
    • Collection and SMS Notification
    • Full Accounting informations
    • Client/member Access for account information access
    • Multi-User Sign-In
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  • NGO/Microfinance Management Features with Pictures
  • Money Exchange Management

    Money Exchange Management is to manage easy calculation of currency. It keeps currency note stock, receipt print for customers. System auto generates profit & loss, balance sheet etc.

    • Exchange receipt for customer
    • Ledger Report
    • Day Book Ledger Report
    • Cash Flow Report
    • Day Wise Profit & Loss Report
    • Balance Sheet
    • MIS Reporting for Management Decisicion
    • Full Accounting informations
    • Multi-User Sign-In
    • Online publicity with real time rate of exchange
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  • Money Exchange Management Features with Pictures
  • Feed Business Management System

    Feed Business Management is for managing production, product purchase from supplier and sale to customers with higher price than purchase or production cost with the objective of making profit.

    • Purchase Management
    • Assembling / Manufacturing / Production
    • BIN / Batch wise Production
    • Inventory Management
    • Distributions / Dealer Management
    • Sales Management
    • Online Order Collection (Client Online Access)
    • E-Commerce Integration
    • Ledger Report
    • Cash Flow Report
    • Day Wise Profit & Loss Report
    • MIS Reporting for Management Decision
    • Full Accounting informations
    • Multi-User Sign-In
    • Email & SMS notification for accounts and invoice transaction
    • Mobile, Tab, PC based operation
    • Simplicity: easy navigation & operation
    • Interactive business analysis report generation in 360 degree report view (BI tools)
    • Summary business report snapshot emailing; like trial balance, Day book, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet
    • Data is backed up in 3 locations in a cloud environment to protect business information from digesters in fire, stolen, robbery, etc.
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    Garments Business Management

    Garments Business Management is for managing small production/manufacturing, inventory or product purchase from suppliers and store it then sale to customers with higher price than purchase/production cost with the objective of making profit.
    • Purchase Management
    • Assembling / Manufacturing / Production
    • Inventory Management
    • Sales Management
    • Distributions / Dealer Management
    • Online Order Collection (Client Online Access)
    • E-Commerce Integration
    • Ledger Report
    • Cash Flow Report
    • Day Wise Profit & Loss Report
    • MIS Reporting for Management Decision
    • Full Accounting information System
    • Multi-User Sign-In
    • Email & SMS notification for accounts and invoice transaction
    • Mobile, Tab, PC based operation
    • Summary business report snapshot emailing; like trial balance, Day book, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet
    • Data is backed up in 3 locations in a cloud environment to protect business information from digesters in fire, stolen, robbery, etc.
    Click for Demo
  • Garments Business Management Features with Pictures
  • Tours & Travels Management System

    Tours & Travels Management System is web based integrated systems for managing to book hotel, flight, train, bus tour purpose, accounts management. Beside accounts management owner can show their products in online platfrom to get online orderand online payment.

    • E-Commerce Integration
    • Online Product Showcase in E-commerce Market/ Websites like
    • Online Ticket Booking
    • Online Ticket Booking Execution
    • Inventory Management
    • Sales Management
    • Purchase Management
    • Online Order Collection (Client Online Access)
    • Ledger Report
    • Cash Flow Report
    • Day Wise Profit & Loss Report
    • MIS Reporting for Management Decision
    • Full Accounting information system
    • Multi-User Sign-In
    • Email & SMS notification for accounts and invoice transaction to Client
    • Mobile, Tab, PC based operation
    • Interactive business analysis report generation in 360 degree report view (BI tools)
    • Summary business report snapshot emailing; like trial balance, Day book, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet
    • Data is backed up in 3 locations in a cloud environment to protect business information from digesters in fire, stolen, robbery, etc.
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    Trading Business Solutions

    Trading Business is for managing product purchase from suppliers and sale to customers with higher price than purchase with the objective of making profit.

    • Purchase Management
    • Sales Management
    • Accounts Management
    • GST/VAT management as per Govt. rules
    • Customer Relationship management (CRM)
    • Online Order Management
    • Online Product Showcase in
    • Branch wise costing and income
    • Online Order & Payment By Customers
    • One Click billing as per order
    • Customer online access for order and Ledger
    • Manage sales representative and their performance
    • Collection and SMS Notification
    • MIS Report for Management Decision
    • Multi-User Sign-in & access control
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  • Trading Business Solutions Features with Pictures
  • House Rent Management

    Rental Property Management System to manage Accounts, Tenant Billing, Payments, Arrears & increases Income, multiple rent payments and reduce your rent arrears.

    • Tenant Information
    • Tenant Records Creation
    • Tenant Dashboard
    • Tenant Ledger
    • One Click billing
    • Collection and SMS Notification
    • Full Accountings information
    • Management Information System (MIS) Report
    • Printing daily bank deposit slips are only clicks away
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    Assemble-Manufacturing Management

    Assemble or Manufacturing Software is for managing small and medium type company's Productions, Raw materials inventory. Companies can show the produced item to the eCommerce site directly to show publicly and get online order.

    • Production Cost & Profit Calculation
    • Production Order Management
    • Batch wise assemble or manufacturing
    • Raw material & Finished Goods Inventory
    • Warehouse/branch wise transfer and stock management
    • Material Received and Payable Bill generation
    • Bin wise stock in and out management
    • Production batch wise stock in and out
    • Product Transfer to Sales module
    • Collection and SMS Notification
    • Full Accountings information
    • MIS Reporting for management Decision
    • Multi-User Sign-in
    • common marketplace for showcase products to online order 24 hour basis
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  • Assemble-Manufacturing Features with Pictures
  • E-Commerce & Inventory Management

    E-commerce & Inventory solution is integrated with accounts, CRM and manufacturing. Beside store and accounts management owner can showcase their products online store to get online order and online payment

    • Inventory Management
    • Branch Wise Inventory Report
    • Stock Ledger
    • Branch Wise Product Stock
    • Branch wise product Transfer
    • Manage Customer & Order
    • Product Showcase In Online Platform like
    • Online Order by Client
    • Online Payment by Client
    • Client Ledger
    • Sales Invoice/Billing
    • Collection and SMS Notification
    • Full Accountings information
    • Integration with back office system
    • MIS Report for Management decision
    • Multi-User Sign-in
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  • E-commerce & Inventory Management with Pictures
  • Warehouse/Cold Storage Management

    This solution is to manage multi-branch cold storage. It will keep track records of each customers' products according to the shelf/bin. As per consumer time period system will auto generate bills for the customer.

    • Inventory List
    • Branch Wise Inventory List
    • Stock Ledger
    • Branch Wise Stock Wise Ledger
    • Branch Wise Product Stock
    • Branch Wise Current Stock
    • Inventory with Production
    • Branch Transfer Requisition
    • Branch Transfer Requisition
    • Product Showcase In Online Platform like Trip2market
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    Co-Operative Management

    Co-operative Management system is Web based integrated software that manages Member Information, Installment & dues, Loan Management, Member Billing in one Click, Collection & full Accounts management.

    • Member Information/Document Management
    • Loan Management
    • Installment schedule management
    • One Click billing
    • Member Ledger
    • Collection and SMS Notification
    • Full Accountings management
    • MIS Report for Management
    • Multi-User Sign-In
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  • Co-Operative Management Feature with Pictures
  • Hatchery Business Management

    Hatachery Business Management is for managing BIN/Batch wise product production or purchase from suppliers and sale/distribute to client/dealer with higher price than production/purchase cost with the objective of making profit.

    • Purchase Management
    • Production Order
    • Assembling / Manufacturing / Production
    • BIN / Batch wise Production
    • Distributions / Dealer Management
    • Sales Management
    • Ledger Report
    • Cash Flow Report
    • Day Wise Profit & Loss Report
    • MIS Reporting for Management Decision
    • Full Accounting informations
    • Multi-User Sign-In
    • Email & SMS notification for accounts and invoice transaction
    • Mobile, Tab, PC based operation
    • Interactive business analysis report generation in 360 degree report view (BI tools)
    • Summary business report snapshot emailing; like trial balance, Day book, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet
    • Data is backed up in 3 locations in a cloud environment to protect business information from digesters in fire, stolen, robbery, etc.
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    Customer Portal Management System

    Customer Portal Management system is web based software that provides customers with a single point of access to company information that is relevant to them such as ledger report, installment report and policies.

    • Customer / Member Information
    • Clients Details
    • Client Ledger Report
    • Branch wise Client Ledger Report
    • Installment Details Report
    • Multi-User Sign-In
    • Reduced internal email traffic to source information
    • Improved Internal and Customer Communication
    • Email & SMS notification for accounts and invoice transaction
    • Mobile, Tab, PC based operation
    • Simplicity: easy navigation & operation
    • Data is backed up in 3 locations in a cloud environment to protect business information from digesters in fire, stolen, robbery, etc.
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    Select Organization name (1846-Helal Group of Companies)
    user as client ID: 2
    password: 1234